» Genuri Muzicale » Pop » [Lewis Capaldi - Before You Go.mp3]

Ton de apel: Before You Go [Lewis Capaldi]

  • Ascultat: 5 121 ori
  • Durată:
  • Ringtone: .MP3 / M4R
  • Calitate: 320 kbps
  • Marime fisier: 1.54 Mb
Before You Go
Before You Go .MP3
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Videoclip Lewis Capaldi - Before You Go

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Versuri Lewis Capaldi - Before You Go

I fell by the wayside like everyone else
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, but I was just kidding myself
Our every moment, I start to replace
'Cause now that they're gone, all I hear are the words that I needed to say
When you hurt under the surface
Like troubled water running cold
Well, time can heal, but this won't
So, before you go
Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better?
If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather
So, before you go
Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless
So, before you go

Tonuri de apel / Pop

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