» Genuri Muzicale » Pop » [The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather.mp3]

Ton de apel: Sweater Weather [The Neighbourhood]

  • Ascultat: 1 526 ori
  • Durată: 0:29
  • Ringtone: .MP3 / M4R
  • Calitate: 320 kbps
  • Marime fisier: 937.19 Kb
Sweater Weather
Sweater Weather .MP3
Descărca ton de apel Sweater Weather de 0:29 gratis pe telefonul dvs Android, iPhone sau oricare alt dispozitiv. Avem o gamă largă de tonuri de apel The Neighbourhood pentru a satisface orice preferință. Actualizați-vă tonul de apel și creați un stil distinctiv pentru telefonul dumneavoastră mobil!

Videoclip The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather

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Versuri The Neighbourhood - Sweater Weather

All I am is a man
I want the world in my hands
I hate the beach
But I stand in California with my toes in the sand
Use the sleeves of my sweater
Let's have an adventure
Head in the clouds but my gravity's centered
Touch my neck and I'll touch yours
You in those little high waisted shorts, oh

Tonuri de apel / Pop / Muzica internationala

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